bbaley wrote:
Gjac wrote:
Do you want a battery charger that puts out 20-60 amps that you would use for dry camping or do you want a maintainer that puts out 5 -10 amps just to maintain the batteries while you are at home.
I suppose I was only considering the maintenance at home task for this.
I would be looking for one to go in the trailer as a separate item.
The maintenance one - I need for all batteries (rv, boat, tractors, mowers, et al)
I bought the Black&Decker 4,10,20,40 amp charger about 8 years ago for $50. The older models were called Vectors which were basically the same. They are portable so you can use it to quick charge your trailer at 40 amps when dry camping from your genset or use the 4 amp setting for maintenance charging a starter battery. It has an equalizing function at 15.5 v and a 24 hr desulfate function. I think for the money you won't find at better charger. Stanley now owns B&D so they make a similar charger and are about $100.