wopachop wrote:
I'm seeing voltage drop along the wire correct? Not battery sag? The test is during the day with solar hooked up. Only drawing 3amps. Measure the battery voltage at the posts under load to determine wire vs battery voltage drop.
Why dont I see similar voltage drop while on shore power? Pretend the Led display read 14v. When I apply the same 3a load why doesnt the display show 12-13 volts? Your charger can supply many more amps for house loads and battery charging including the inverter amps.
I understand that higher voltage sags less. But we are only talking the difference of 12v boondocking to 14v on shore power.
You stated old batteries - Have them load tested, then consider deep cycle batteries - Marine batteries are a modified starting battery, not so much deep.
Clarification: Your charging sources supply power to all house load FIRST and that includes appliances that can't be turned off like smoke dedectors etc. What's left is used to charge the battery.
150W solar is light. It might be 5A+ in bright direct sun and less otherwise.