quasi wrote:
It's not really a question of need. It's more of a want. I don't need a fireplace in an RV but I want one. I don't need a convection oven but I want one. I'll spend my money on the things I want and you can spend yours on what you want. I appreciate the posters sharing their experiences as that might help me decide what I want. I don't care for the naysayers carping about whether it is cost effective or whether it has a good ROI. You're dragging a 16,000 pound house around using a vehicle getting 10 mpg. Cost effectiveness is a relative term.
Just my 2 cents and I'll put away my soapbox.
My thoughts don't concern cost,wants, or needs. But more on the advantages of a tankless heater vs. a typical DSI LP/electric heater.
In the end I see no advantage of having a tankless. My 10 gallon heater delivers all the hot water I need, no fuss no muss. No LP needed when at a electric site. Maybe if I were running out of hot I'd consider something different but the 10 gallon heater keeps up with my family's use without issue. I simply would not benefit from the tankless.