SoundGuy wrote:
lanerd wrote:
OP, your plan sounds reasonable and doable. A little plumbing work to connect the two tanks and I'm not sure what would be involved in replacing the toilet with a composting toilet, but that certainly would take care of your problem. I say go for it.
Easy for you to say, you're not paying for it. :R I'll say it again - makes no sense to me to ante up for a costly composting toilet just for the purpose of repurposing the black tank as a second grey tank when the simple solution is to just off load grey water by gravity as needed.
I'm not saying I would do it, but the OP figured this was the best option for him and his current situation. It doesn't matter what your reasoning is....only what is best for the OP. He specifically stated that he was not connected to a sewer system and the option of "off loading grey water by gravity as needed" does not apply to him unless he has to break camp every three days or so, when he could double the size of his gray water holding system by swapping out the toilet and using the black tank as a gray tank.