China is adept at taking GOOD USA products and when the USA company has them built to GOOD standards in China, the Chinese STEAL the design and build cheap knock offs. Most of the time, when these knock offs are sold in the USA or in China or elsewhere in the world the consumer has no idea he purchased the knock off and blames the USA company for a cheap product. I have a good friend that travels to China 4 or 5 times a year and is involved in his companies quality and buying divisions. THEY get good products built there. But, he has purchased the Gray market items in China and they rarely last. He told me last year, that the Chinese Gov. cracked down for some of the Golf Equipment makers that were being ripped off with Gray market name brand drivers and were confiscating the Drivers at the Airport and the Tourist was out of luck and he lost his money. When he buys Gray Market drones or helicopters and such he always buys at least 2, so he has spare parts when the cheap original breaks and they do break. I went with him last year and we went to the huge underground(it's really underground) retail center in Shanghai, you cannot believe the amount of knock off/counterfit products they sell at these markets. Doug