agesilaus wrote:
Companies don't do drug testing because they have moral objections to dope. They do the testing because these clowns come to work stoned, get hurt or killed and then the company gets sued for millions and often loses. One big thing this country needs is a legal policy that YOU are responsible for whatever you do to yourself or others, no one else. But the infestation of the legislatures by lawyers of various stenches would never allow it.
While I agree 100% in principle, the problem arises when a company hires that dope fiend or drunkard and they promptly injure or kill an innocent bystander. Too often the drunk driver emerges from the accident unscathed while the driver and passengers in the other vehicle are killed and maimed. Making an employer liable for the actions of their employees, even if they are chemically impaired, is generally enough of a deterrent to keep those employers from knowingly hiring someone that puts the rest of us in danger. Step number one in preventing that liability is screening them out before they become employees.