Easy and cheap, go to Wal-Mart and buy their cheap carb spray. Lightly mist around the carb while the engine is running. If the motor speeds up, then there is an air leak like TucsonJim said.
If it does not speed up, then very lightly mist over the carb if it speeds up the fuel mixture is too lean. I'm betting the cleaner made it too rich, because the prior owner just kept turning the mixture screw out over the years. If that is the case then turn the screw in a 1/4 turn and see if it speeds up the engine. If yes, keep turning until you get a good sounding engine. Mist lightly again to see if you leaned it out too much.
As far as the spark plugs, you can do what we would call an Italian tune-up. Get it on the highway and run her up to 70-80mph and see if that cleans the plugs.
Good luck.