I think the whole "full" thing is bogus, because your battery capacity changes so much with temperature. So I never did set the "three things" I just use it as is except I turned off that auto reset of AH.
I get amps, voltage, or accumulated AH plus or minus at the push of a button. I start out with full batteries as measured by SG and reset the AH. Then I just let it run. Accumulated AH go down then back up when doing a recharge. When they get back to where they started, I figure the batts are close to full. When doing a 50-90 I can tell when close to 90 if I am 46AH down on my 458AH bank so I stop the generator. then AH start back down again with loads while camping some more.
Sometimes the AH on the way up with solar goes "over" into positive readings in the late afternoon, so when it stops going up I reset to zero and that is my new top.
I have a pretty good idea what the capacity of the batteries is, so I just look at the accumulated AH figure and do a little math to get approx. SOC. eg, if I figure my 458AH (at 80F) is really now 400AH when it is cold out, and I am down 100AH, then I figure the batts are down to 75% SOC.
The trick is to compare your 'resting' voltage with that calculation to see if they are both saying the same thing. Early morning , before you start running loads and before the solar starts jacking up the voltage, observe your "morning voltage" ( being as close as you can get to "resting voltage" while camping) If that were 12.4 and you are down 100AH on an estimated 400AH bank it all more or less matches.
If you get a mis-match you know something has gone funny and you need to do some checking.