Not to add more confusion to this topic, but I ran a few tests without a repeater.
I placed the monitor two foot from the left rear tire on the 5th wheel ( the tire that blew ), monitor at ash tray in the truck with GPS running and not running ( GPS six inches from monitor ) , after two hours on the highway and removed the left rear sensor in each test After one to two seconds, the monitor beep and flashed a red led, just like it was supposed to do !
I also hooked an air pressure pump up to the sensor and repeatedly varied the pressure from zero to 80 psi with perfect corellation to pressures and beep/led response.
I ran a sepate test for initial start up for sensor response. Without a repeater the sensors (four) appeared from 1:30 to 3:30 minutes. With the repeater installed in the front cargo bay the sensors appeared from :30 to 2:30 minutes.
I have to conclude that ether the stars alinged to not report the loss of pressure or the system does not respond to a instant/massive loss of air pressure.
Now that I have a repeater installed, short of going out and blowing a tire ?