fj12ryder wrote:
Sorry, I thought when you said it was working fine, that everything was okay. I got a bunch of extra O-rings with my TST TPMS, but haven't needed them yet. Only thing I've had to do is replace the batteries, but they've lasted a long time. I do remove them over the winter when it's in storage.
Yeah, I got the replacement o-rings too, but the little valve stem seal was the one that had me scratching my head. The little square-shoulder seal they gave me did not look correct but I found it was after getting the old ones out. Looks like it would be to big and should be a round-shoulder o-ring, but that is not the case. I left a message at TST and a lady called me back and confirmed I had the correct seals. They're not that easy to take out and replace and the instructions do not address the issue but I got it figured out! All is working well now.