phillyg wrote:
Looks like a Schwintek slide. If so, they have two motors, and they can be sometimes sychronized by holding in the operating switch after the slide appears to be opened or closed, for about five seconds. You will hear some motor/movement noise, but that's okay. Lippert customer service is reported to be excellent, so getting them on the phone might be helpful, too.
I actually tell customers to hold the button for at least 15 seconds. This makes SURE they have held it long enough. What the OP needs to do is, EXTEND the slide and when it seems like fully extended, HOLD the Pushbutton switch for that 15 seconds. IF resynching the motors will fix his problem, he will actually see the one side go out that extra 1.5 inches. The basic rule is, IF one side is off that 1.5, then when retracted, the other side will NOT be fully retracted by that 1.5 inch. If this does NOT fix his problem he needs to verify, that the slide IS sealed correctly even tho one side is off that 1.5 inches. IF it is sealed both IN and OUT, then he has no problem. Doug