rvshrinker wrote:
Roger10378 wrote:
It could be a bent axle. If it is bent so that there is a lot of toe it can wear evenly across the tire. Put a strait edge on the tire and see if it is parallel with the one in front of it.
Can you explain what you mean? see if the second tire is askance from the first?
It is hard to explain with just words but I haven't figured out how to add a drawing so I will give it a try. If you look at the tires on an axle from above and they are closer together at the front than the rear that is toe in. If they are closer at the rear that is toe out. In most situations there is a very little toe in. If there is too much toe the tire is dragging down the road which will wear it out sooner than it should. By placing a strait edge along each tire it will show if there is a large difference in toe. If that is the case you need to take it to a trailer service center where they can correct the problem.