There are some very smart and technically knowledgeable people on this board, so I hope it’s okay to ask a question that’s evolved from a personal sized 2-wheel RV I recently purchased. The machine requires 10W40 to 20W50 motor oil which is danged hard to find in affordable places like Wal-Mart, except for motor oil formulated for diesel engines. Would I be risking eventual problems with my 2-wheeled RV by using 20W50 diesel-formulated oil in its gasoline powered engine?
It has a comparatively high-reving single cylinder 4-valve DOHC engine which is what has me worried.
*If* it has the correct API rating (or higher), which it probably does, it will be fine. I just looked at the bottle of Rotella I have and it is rated SM. If it doesn't have an "S" rating, I wouldn't.
I have no idea what your 2 wheel RV is. But lots of motorcycle owners use Rotella T including me. I would suggest finding a forum specific to your 2 wheel RV and ask there.