Forum Discussion

routeforty's avatar
May 04, 2021

Water Heater not lighting

I have an Atwood DSI water heater(gas only, no pilot) model G6A-8E. Not lighting. When I turn it on, the default light below the switch comes on, then there is one click and it goes out for a few seconds then comes back on-this happens for each click. The igniter used to click several times rapidly to light the gas but this does not happen now. It worked perfectly a couple weeks ago, but then it stopped. I checked the fuses, cleaned all terminals, put it back together and it worked. But only tried it one time. Last week at a CG turned it on and nothing. Replaced the igniter, but same results. Checked the fuses-they're ok. Smell gas. Can these be lit manually? Thought about replacing the board, but hate to spend a couple hundred bucks and that not be the problem. Any ideas???
  • Success!! (thought my post had disappeared) Had to replace the circuit board. Really wish it would have been one of the cheap fixes. Watched a youtube video that said start with the cheap things and work your way up. Would have been awesome if it would have been a corroded grounding screw. But anyway it's fixed. Thanks for the advice. Gary
  • OP says he smells gas, that would indicate power and ground to circuit board.
    Yes the ground connection that is located for the gas valve hidgen behind the gas valve for the gas valve is a problem area. I connected the ground off circuit board to the gas valve.
    OP: have you checked the high tension lead for any nicks or other signs of damage?
  • I believe Larry cad has the magic answer.
    I experienced similar symptoms as you. Replaced every electrical part of my water heater and followed the Atwood troubleshooting guide multiple times. After installing the third New circuit board I also spent extra time making sure the ground was connected, metal to metal with a good tight screw.
    Now everything works as designed.
    I tested the continuity of the ground numerous times and it always tested good so kept looking for something else. But in the end I think it was the ground.
    Here is a good resource for information.
    Good luck.
  • There is a ground wire from the board that is attached to the water heater frame with a small screw. That screw frequently gets rusted and/or corroded and won't make reliable contact between the wire and the frame. Take out the screw and clean the wire surface and the frame surface and reassemble.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    There are several possible causes.. That pattern however sounds strange.

    Atwood says to disconnect a RED WIRE from the ECO when winterizing
    That would set the fault light but the cicks would not happen

    Sounds to me like the fault light is programmed different from my Atwood (It only came on after the control board was assured it was not lit)

    It usually tires three times than faults.. But each control board model is differnt,.

    Things to check
    The gas valve.. is it getting voltage and drawing current?
    is the valve clicking
    The Spark gap, Do you hear the sparks?
    IS gas flowing (Oriface can get clogged. a spider loves the smell of gas)
    Spark gap
    Then it gets expensive
    I had to replace control board.
  • Batteries are full(but rv is on shore power)- all the connections are tight and clean-I've checked and rechecked them. :h :h
  • Did you check the thermal fuse connections? This is located next the the thermostat/ECO. connections are crimped but not that great.
    Here is a much better board and better price then OEM.
    Dinosaur Electronics