steveh27 wrote:
I leave the water heater off, only turning it on 18-20 minutes before taking a shower. That gets the hot water to a temp I can use without cold water. It may take a few tries to figure out how long to leave it on. Saves a lot of water.
I have been doing the same thing for 10 plus years since I first started to RV. I have a battery operated kitchen timer that I use. As mentioned the time for shower hot water is about 20 minutes, plus or minus 5 depending on the temperature of water in the tank. I can fine tune the temperature by checking at my kitchen faucet. I waste very little water because the tank is close to that faucet. I then shower with hot water. There is a little waste because of the distance between the HW tank and shower. Even so I only need about 1 gallon for a Navy type shower. My wife is about the same unless she washes her hair which can mean another half gallon for a thorough rinse. We never use hot water for dish washing. Instead we use a dishpan with hot water heated for a few minutes in a tea kettle.