If you run out of gas it will try to relight (Assuming it runs out when lit) and if it fails it will try again, and if it fails it will try again, then it will shut down, lock out and fire up ye old FAULT (or Check) light.
Turn off. count to 1 turn back on. Should be good to heat. (NO guarantees)
In some cases. especially trailers you may get some air in the line. if this happens the heater should Try, fail, Try and succeed but if the lines are long and big enough there is a possibility it may go into fault one time.
Finally when you open the tank valve after refilling. Opening too fast can cause a safety device to engage and limit gas flow below the heater's need.
Home was where I park it. but alas the.
2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss
after a semi "nicked" it. Still have the radios
Kenwood TS-2000, ICOM ID-5100, ID-51A+2, ID-880 REF030C most times