Ranger Smith wrote:
Is it an Atwood . . . Here is wiring info
Thanks. so both Brown and Blue are positive, Green negative?
Brown powers the valve, Blue powers the circuit board (which powers the piezo)? thats according the the link above.
Mine does not have two switches, it has one switch with 4 wires out of it.
If I put green on neg and both brown and Blue on positive will that be the way to run it ? I just need to run it for demonstration.
I really looking for an expert on this, not guesses.
-Out of the switch there is a thin pink wire that goes to a blue and white wire, so can I assume the blue/white goest to the blue?
I think pink is pos out.
-a thin gray wire that goes to a brown and white wire, so can assume goes to the brown wire?
I think gray is pos out.
- a thin black wire that goes to a red wire that goes back to the other switch labeled "test" and also has a yellow wires tied in that goes out to idk where...
I think black is pos in.
- a thin white wire that is ground.
it is ground for sure.
The wires are so thin I think they would be signal wires, not power-feed wires, though the valve and piezo prob do not need a lot of power... but they do connect to heavier gauge wires that would be sized for sending voltage as power.
The switch is also labeled "heater" which just illustrates how dumb RV design is. The heater is aka the furnace, which is all controlled with the thermostat, with no additional switches. The how water heater in this case is the "heater", or more clearly called a "boiler" though typically temps max out at 180 degrees, not 212.