None of you are making a cup of buzz as simply as we do when out and about with the RV:
I use a titanium cup, put in it a teaspoon of instant coffee, put in it a teaspoon of chocolate Ovaltine, put in it a teaspoon of sugar, put in it a half-cup of bottled spring water to make sure I get a full cup's worth of caffeine without all the liquid to have to get rid of after it's been through the body, set the cup with all this in it onto one of the RV's propane fueled stovetop burners, turn the burner on very low cuz titanium transfers heat so fast, wait a very short time for the mixture to bubble - then sit down and enjoy a delicious half-cup drink that tastes way better than bitter black coffee but still with a whole cup's worth of caffeine in it.
No inverter required. No washing out of extraneous equipment afterwards required. No thowing away of wet filters .... and no washing out of a cup. I just wipe out the titanium cup with one-half piece of paper towel and then stow the cup away for the next morning.
K.I.S.S. applies to everything - including getting a cup-sized Java buzz every morning without having to Go See a Man About a Horse forty five minutes afterwards. :B