Joe417 wrote:
There's no reason "not" to do it.
Messy wiring issues are a pet peeve of mine. I've cleaned up the mess on all the campers I've ever had.
By doing this on my TC, I found a wiring path where the Mfgr. had brought the main ground into an external lighting junction with 10 awg and then taped off to carry the ground on to the fuse box with 12 awg wire.
This probably would never have caused a problem but, I work in electronics and couldn't leave it alone.
When you get them neatened up you'll not only have more room for your project, if you do have an electrical problem, it makes issue easier to figure out.
Good Luck with your project.
There is NO REAL GOOD "REASON" to "neaten it up"..
I also work in "Electronics" and one of my BIGGEST "peeves" is those folks who think neatening up the wiring has any benefits other than making it look pretty and using up thousands of unneeded wire ties :M
Sure it can be pretty-fied but the poor sap down the road that may end up NEEDING to find that one lone bad wire in a tightly wrapped and wire tied bundle has one heck of a lot of CAREFUL work in CUTTING all those wire ties without causing more collateral damage in the process.
Even worse when the wires that are already darn near too short are bundled tightly to the point of risking damaging the connections with any movement..
To me that looks pretty darn normal and is better than many other RVs may have.. My current TT HAD ALL the battery "grounds" for ALL the runs wire nutted BEHIND the paneling.. Only ONE 8 ga white wire came out of the wall and went to the converter battery ground connection.. Found that when I was rebuilding my TT.. Made for a "neater looking" job, but boy what a mess that would have been trying to find a bad ground connection.. Not to mention, 8ga would have been pretty light for five 10A fuses, one 7.5A fuse and several 15A fuses all on ONE ground.. It was one huge wire nut.
I would just leave well enough alone and be happy there is some slack in the wires and if you ever need to trouble shoot you won't be cussing yourself out down the road while carefully unbundling your handy work..