Generally where we camp we don't have cable. We do take along the small digital TV that normally sits in the kitchen at home. Other thing we always take is computers, at this point the PowerBook, the iMac and the iPad2 so we have lots to choose from for playing dvd's. I download and buy a lot of TV Series and play them on one of the computers. The digital TV up here is really spotty unless you have a huge antenna or are in close enough to the tower. Much easier to watch on the computer. I have an inverter that will run the computer or portable and iPad will run around 10hrs playing movies. Have used the portable one time when we missed the ferry to Naniamo and had to wait almost 3hrs for the next, gave us time to watch 3 episodes of NCIS. Computers or TV sit on a little bar with a flip up table across from the couch. While traveling they are either in cases or we have a spot where they sit. I would like to get a wall mount for the digital TV but so far have not. Like your setup for supporting the TV.