The thing is this. That T.T. I bought is 43 years old. Never had a roof leak or any work performed on it. As I said before the only that does not work is the furnace and I think it may be a plugged line or something as I dont think it's getting propane. Everything else works great and it performed flawles this past weekend. The only thing getting used to is some things run of the battery and others the generator. Now here is the kicker. My friend who was with us also has a new 15 foot coleman T.T. that is a year old. He has has nothing but issues with his and the wonderful folks at Blue Dog R.V. in Post Falls Idaho where he bought it from refuse to cover the damn thing under warranty! He has has the fuse box area replaced and a few other things. So this weekend he charged the battery and low and behold the next morning it was dead. Nothing was left one. He hooked it up to the generator to charge and in about 15 minutes the inside was filled with smoke and smelled like high hell of burning electrical. Same issue he said as before. He also has a water leak as there was water running along the floor along his cabinets. I have heard nothing but bad things about Blue Dog R.V. and I just done understand how the customer service at that place can be so bad. Its not fun to have a broken T.T. while we are out boondocking.