I'm going to look at a 72' Amerigo (side door with Snap n Nap) tomorrow! I have been reading up on these babies for a while now. I have no idea if there is any water damage yet...and probably won't unless i ripped it apart, correct? From what I've seen online with the restos, I EXPECT it to have water damage to a certain degree...but I ain't skeert'. ?
I am a home improvement contractor by trade, and am eager to do a project like this this winter. Fortunately, I have a very large heated shop with ample room and knowing me, will really tear this thing apart and go nuts with it.
I guess i am already posting as if I've bought it...lol. Won't know until tomorrow. His price is $700. Stay tuned! This n00b is looking forward to learning and (hopefully) giving as well on this great website!