Forum Discussion

hbhconstruction's avatar
Mar 11, 2015

2006 Keystone Laredo 284BHS Slide Stops Frequently

I have a 2006 Keystone Laredo 284BHS with a large slide along one wall. When extending the slide it will move approximately 10-12 inches then stop for 2-4 seconds and start again. After reading other post I think i may have a issue with the auto resetting breaker for the slide. Where would this circuit breaker be located on a travel trailer. Thanks for the help.
  • Yes i have lubed as part of getting ready for this season. Doesn't seam to bind at all when going out. I wanted to find where it is located and try changing out to see if there may be some corrosion. I will also try to test the amp draw when moving slide once located. Thank you for the suggestions.
  • More important than locating the breaker is trying to figure out why the breaker is resetting. For some reason, it is tripping and this shouldn't happen if the system is working properly. Have you lubed the slide components lately? Is it binding somewhere?