I have OnStar and I love it. I also have the Nav/Radio. No need to look anything up, I just call them and they down load it into the radio. Looking for a specific store or whatever, they find it for me.
You can get a better rate than $30month.
Like having a personal assistant traveling with you.
We have On-Star in both our vehicles, and worked a deal for $26 a month for both, not each. No Navigation (although it was pretty accurate), we have a Garmin.
We canceled our Onstar after the free trial; had no use for it. We use our Garmin or smart phone as necessary. I can see some value in Onstar if one lived in a rural area with poor cell service. Onstar is cell based btw, but you get the antenna and 4 watts so it can reach out farther.
We used OnStar once in the other half's car in six months. She didn't renew it. I have a wireless data card for my laptop and we both have GPS apps on our phones. If we can't find our way around the US with those, and an old fashioned map, it'll be time to stay home.
After 3 months you would've paid for a small portable GPS unit. I cancelled Onstar too and bought a Garmin that has free updates and I can move from truck to car.
Do you have DVD based navigation or do you just listen to directions through a person @ Onstar?
I have DVD navigation (that I rarely use) and cancelled Onstar after the free period. The two best benefits of Onstar were the smartphone app use of remote starting and looking up destinations on my smartphone and then sending directions to my vehicle NAV through Onstar. Way not worth $30/mo.