93Cobra2771 wrote:
It's extremely easy - fold it out much like a residential futon, open the legs. Pivot the back support on the couch down and now its where your head is. Very comfortable. Setup and teardown is literally about 30 seconds...
I agree. We have a 2014 WhiteHawk and our little one sleeps on the pull out every night. Sometimes my husband or I sleep with him and both of us find it reasonably comfortable. I like that there is storage place to keep pillow/sleeping bag/sheets/blanket while the bed is in couch mode and that you can slide the couch cushions under there while in bed mode.
Set up is super easy. We are thrilled with the hide a bed and it was probably our #1 reason for waiting to get a 2014 over the 2013 (we bought back in early May before the 2014 models were out).