womps wrote:
Towed 5th wheel first time. Cruise control basically useless. Going up a moderate grade will loose 7 mph then kick down to 4th to catch up. If I don't use cruise it will go up the same grade without shifting out of 6th. Same going down a small grade. Speed increases about 7mph before the exhaust brake decides to try and slow you down. Regardless of setting, the exhaust brake doesn't do much. Not impressive!
I'm not sure if you quite understand how the exhaust brake works on these trucks but after turning it on and pushing the brakes with enough force to scrub off a MPH or two it kicks right in and keeps speed within a few MPH of the current speed on mine, I am extremely happy with how it works on mine, it's an improvement from my 2013 and I found that one to work decent too, but not as aggressive as the 17.