First trip and it was a quick one.
40 miles each way and mostly on 55mph 2-lane roads traveling between 55mph and 60mph. I got 11.5mpg while towing for the entire round trip. Bed of the truck had a row of wood, chairs, scooters and some other stuff in the back. The trailer was probably around 4,700-5,000lbs loaded up if I had to guess, including the dual 30lb propane tanks added to the front.
The truck held the weight well (Blue Ox SwapPro WD Hitch) and I never felt like the tail was wagging the dog. There were some decent crosswinds driving through open farmland, but the truck was always in control of the trailer. Braking wasn't an issue either.
The truck wasn't lacking for power, except starting from a stop headed up a hill. In that scenario, it felt much like my 2015 F250 gasser pulling a 10,000lb trailer, just on a smaller scale. It didn't shift awkwardly and was never cruising at high RPMs unless headed up an incline.
Overall, I was pleasantly pleased with the truck. We have a longer trip with some highway driving coming up and I will gladly report back.