As I mentioned earlier,I am not anti 4WD..I have two in the driveway,a Yamaha Rhino in the garage and a Chevy HD 2500 that is here most of the time..None of them are camper toters for how I use a TC..
The point of this thread was do you need 4X4 with a truck camper on?..I have not seen one picture of a 4X4 with a heavy TC on anywhere I could take my 2WD DRW..Kaytegs was the closest but he did it in 2WD...
Why,because these big/heavy and wide truck campers are not meant to be off roading..They make the front end lite going up a grade and are to wide to maneuver in the mountains..
I have seen DJ's trip on the Magruder road,awesome but I have taken my truck and TC on the same road,4X4 is not necessary and 4 Low certainly has it's perks but with my 4:10's and super engine compression,I do just fine and I am not tippy on side hills and narrower than any of the new truck campers..
So show me a picture of a 4X4 with a hardsided truck camper somewhere anyone with a 2WD DRW can't (shouldn't) go besides the sand(Not much around here)LOL
I also have never had any 4X4 drivetrain expenses including the two older ones in my yard.
I put my 8'6" Lance on this and drove around the block and took it right off..It was a fun truck though but not a TC toter for sure..LOL