I know this has probably been posted a hundred times, but I am looking for some reviews/ real life experiences with the 6.4 Dodge motor. I currently have a 2007 GMC 2500 6.0 gas in my landscaping/c...
thanks for the responses! Hoping to stay any from a diesel mainly from a initial cost perspective. Yes, Sounds like my best bet would be to just test drive a 6.4. Don't get me wrong, I love my 6.0 chevy, but just wanting to explore the option of a 6.4 Hemi. And, yes, forgot to mentioned. My 2007 GMC is the classic edition, with the 4 speed transmission. So it appears you guys with the 6.4 Hemi, pull 12k plus without issues. What are the towing capacities of these things anyways?