Well I would hope that it has the latest flash on it since the build date of the truck was in April of this year, but I'll have them check it the next time it's at the dealer. After watching a couple more regen cycles yesterday, I think I must have caused the regen to stop. We were slowing down to go through a little town, but we never stopped. The next two regen's I watched went from "full" down to 15% while at hiway speeds.
To be honest, I don't know if my model actually allows a manual regen or not. That's a stationary process, and my understanding is the truck is supposed to ask you if you want to start it if the DPF is either "full" or "overloaded". Since I don't use the truck for stationary power or PTO use, it's unlikely I'd ever see those prompts.
That's a pretty sophisticated monitoring system you have there. Makes what I'm doing look pretty stone-age :). All I really want to do is keep up with when a regen is needed, how long does it take, and how many miles does it go between regen's.