Old-Biscuit wrote:
You posted:
From the gages, it was working a bit, EGT peaked at 910 deg, oil temp at 242 (oil is designed to run hot in these engines), boost about 30 PSI on the steepest grades.
EGT peaked at 910*F???
DO you know where that was monitored.......PRE or POST Turbo.
Sounds LOW for PRE Turbo given 30# boost
According to the Ford description:
The EGRT11 sensor monitors the exhaust temperature leaving the exhaust manifold prior to entering the turbocharger turbine housing and EGR cooler.
EGRT11 is the one that gets hottest except for during regeneration. That is the one that peaked at 910. The other three are down the exhaust system at various locations and normally run cooler the further on you go.