I will share with you my system in my Bigfoot camper that I feel works well for me and my family and how I use and maintain it. I bought our camper new in Montana and had the dealer install 2-6 volt Trojan T-105 Plus batteries in the battery compartment that gives me 225 amp hours. A tight fit but managable. I knew that the stock converter/charger would fry the batteries if left unattented, so I called Randy at Bestconverter and bought a Xantrex XADC 60 to replace the stock Magnajunk unit that was in the camper after owning the camper only a month. I have added a solar system from AM Solar that is 200 watts and it works awesome and requires little to no attention.
I leave the camper plugged in year around under a carport at the house to keep the batteries topped off and to keep from freezing in the winter. When I am ready to use the camper for camping season I unplug the camper from the house and check the batteries water level. I add very, very little de-ionized water to them. The recomendation is to check the water level in the batteries monthly but I only do this once a year and like I said I add very, very little water to them.
When the camper is unplugged from the house the solar now takes over and keeps that batteries topped off, while driving down the road and at camp. My family and I are somewhat fruggle with our power needs but are not too dilagent with turning lights off etc. The batteries get topped off everyday before 11 am and the solar system floats them the rest of the day. When we get back from a trip, the camper goes back under the carport and the camper gets plugged back in until the next camping trip.
I feel that this is a set it and forget it type system and requires very little attention. This system allows me to just have fun at camp and not worry about running out of power. To ease the effort in topping off the water in the batteries I have thought about putting in a Trojan HydroLink watering system in but its not that bad to pull the 62 lbs. batteries out and give them a full inspection once per year. At the time of re-installing them I rotate them from front to back for whatever reason. Maybe to just decrease the exposure to the the outside compartment door, again for whatever reason.
So far the system has been flawless and when the batteries one day give up the ghost I might consider AGM's but I would have to justify the added expense and reaccess my power needs to not just stay with the same system that has been working for us for almost 5 years.
Just thought I would share my experience and system with you to give you some perspective, good luck in your quest for better power and remember that these system can be as complex or simple as you make them. Good info here on this site as well as Randy at Bestconverter.