NRALIFR wrote:
Well, no offense intended, as all I know are the three TC’s I’ve owned. The 19 year old Lance In my sig, and two Jayco TC’s before that. All had a seamless aluminum roof, and there was definitely more than just the aluminum up there. Probably because TC’s don’t sit on a steel frame like a trailer, and their roofs are usually intended to be walked on. But, the construction of the trailer they’re rebuilding sounds very similar.
The only TC I’ve had to open up the roof on is the Lance, and there is a layer of some type of insulation between the aluminum roof, and the layer of plywood or luan that’s on top of the ribs. The voids between the ribs are filled with more insulation, then the ceiling plywood is on the inside.
The OP’s trailer that they are rebuilding also has plywood over the roof ribs, whether by their design or the OEM. If it were my camper, I wouldn’t try to adhere the aluminum to the plywood, but would put a thin (~1/8”) layer of some type of felt or foam insulation between. Mainly because I believe it will help quiet the roof when it rains, but it may also have some benefit in preventing condensation.
You don't believe me?
OK, how about some PROOF?
Put you money where your keyboard is and POST a pix?
I will start and end the argument with REAL proof of what I say.
The following is a photo I took of my first TT, a 1981 20ft trailer..

That is a pix of the side wall AND partial pix of the ROOF after I removed the interior paneling and fiberglass insulation.
There was NO, NOTHING, NADA between the aluminum and wall studs or aluminum roof and roof truss cross members. There was NOTHING, NADA, ZIP between the aluminum and the wood or insulation.
This same design was also used on my 1983 TT.
Your "TC" could have been done differently if it had say an "Artic Package" but for most RVs the pix I posted above IS the "Gold Standard" of how it is done and yours would be the "exception" to that rule.