Its hard to beat the AirLift 72000 system. Have had others , but this is fully automatic as far as maintaining a certain air pressure, and be programmed if needed. Touch of the button to change air pressure on the fly if need or wanted. I can't imagine any system working better.
There are no electrical ,nor air lines to run inside the cab, very easy installation. IMO ,yes you are over thinking it, I have always wanted complete control of the air pressure, and not settling for automatic so to speak . The 72000 gives you that , yet automatically maintains what air pressure you set to start . I am sure on previous setups you usually ran the same air pressure most of the time, I know I do. But there has been occasions where I did change the pressure on the fly , not often ,but it did occur.
I take the remote , push the button to set whatever air pressure I want, and usually done at that point .