FINISHED! Took me awhile to get back to the new install with traveling etc., but I'm pretty much 95% done. Just need to secure the exhaust pipe, route the aux propane inlet and secure the exterior panel to the camper.
My 2013 AF 990 required a totally new approach. First, the HGLAA Spec A (2500i LP) was slightly larger than the original Onan 2.5 KVD. The mounts didn't line up, and the brackets made it too wide to fit in width wise.
I built an aluminum rack sitting on shock absorbers to one raise it up for better front end air draw and two, to use the existing 3/8" mounting holes and three, to mount bolts up through the new rack into the bottom of the Generator tray.
Everything Onan/Cummins supplies is in Metrics. Either spend the extra time to check and recheck your conversions or just buy a metric tape measure for $15 on Amazon. I built a template to get the mounting holes through my rack drilled and sized before I set it in. I braced my large aluminum 1”x2”s with Z brackets and rivets where the bolts mounted to the bottom tray. I used 1/8” thick 2” wide strips to further support the structure. The generator engine is already superbly shock mounted inside the chassis so my aluminum rack with the shock absorbers was almost overkill. I also added some sound deadening material (KILMAT 80mil) inside the entire generator compartment to further cut down on cabin noise – it worked. I mean the difference is unreal.
I have zero vibration into the frame – unlike the old KVD - and the thing is SUPER QUIET. I mean it’s so quiet I intend to ditch the Honda 2000. I believe Onan advertises it meets the National Park regulation of 60db at 50 feet. At 50% load it’s 65Dba at 10 feet.
Overall, it’s a huge upgrade with dramatic improvement. The drawbacks are you have to custom install these into older campers but in my view the improvement in vibration, noise and sound is unbeatable. Be ready to spend some time checking and rechecking your custom mount – I think I put it in two or three times to check for form fit and function – it’s a beast at 110 pounds. Cost is always a negative and due to supply chain issues, I had to wait a few months for delivery. On the plus side, the thing is so quiet I intend to put the Honda 2000 on the shelf and leave the gas cans at home. That in itself is a huge win! Now, if it can be as reliable and easily maintained like the Honda’s it’ll be a keeper.