fishing2 wrote:
A boondocking forum I was reading had posts that the alternator wouldn't last charging camper battery's. How many have had alternators fail from a overload after boondocking?
I'm an electrical engineer, I call BS. I won't say this isn't possible, but.. extremely highly unlikely that simply charging a TC battery(ies) killed an alternator.
Most truck alternators these days are 160amp, newer ones 200amp. The 12v charging pin going to the TC via the pigtail is fuse limited on every truck - some 20a, some 25a, and some lucky few 30amp.
Even at full charge on a completely dead set of TC batteries, the cable can only support a max of 30a(assuming that's what your truck has). A 30 amp draw will not **on its own** or in addition to a regular truck load kill an alternator. Something else had to be at play to kill it. Even with heater going, headlights on, and dead TC batts, that can't overload or kill an alternator.
Just to put it into perspective - diesel glow plugs draw anywhere from 150a-200amp depending on the rig. Starter, another ~200a (deisel).
I have SIX batteries in my TC, on a custom-made 100amp charging circuit I put in. My alternator is now coming up on 15 years old, never had to replace it.