JIMNLIN wrote:
Carlisle Trail USA's is a old tech bias ply tire and has one of the longest complaints record on NHTSA tire complaint website. Their better suited for a lawn service trailer that used around town at sub highway speeds.
Carlisle has a Radial Trail HD that is their newest and best tire for RV trailers that see lots of open road use at normal speeds.
You sure don't need a load E tire at 2850 = 11450 lbs capacity on that size trailer. Trailers unlike our trucks can be over tired for best long term reliability.
The D tire at 2540 = 10160 lb capacity which is way above your trailers 4000-4200 lb axle load requirements. All your trailer needs is a tire with 10-15 percent reserve capacity above axle ratings and can be ran at max pressures as Carlisle warranty specifies.
Thanks for the heads up about the Trail USA's. I agree that the LRE might be over kill. My axles are rated #4400 for a total of #8800. Of course, my actual axle loads are only in the #7000 range and I don't really see that changing as it includes a full tank of water and all my junk.
I'm leaning toward the Radial HD's in LRE or LRD. My rims can handle either. I would like something rated for more than 65MPH as it's often hard to stay below that threshold.
Just curious, what are the downside problems related to an "over tired" trailer?