I sometimes camp in below freezing weather and here's what I do. My camper and many others (I think) have diverter valves for easy winterization. You throw the valve and then just take the short piece of hose which is directly connected to the pump and stick it in a bottle of the pink stuff and run the various faucets until they run pink.
When finished winterizing, I leave the hose set up with a full bottle of pink stuff (jamming the bottle so it doesn't move around). Then when I flush, I'm flushing with the pink stuff. All other water usage is from bottled water. Your mileage may vary but on at least one occasion I booondocked for two nights with dead batteries (so no heater) with temperatures of -1F and 0F at dawn. No problem observed and was able to dump without problems when I returned home (warmer temps but still around freezing).