Old Islander wrote:
During this thread, there have been some comments about the noise from compact 'enclosed in plastic' inverter/generators vs open frame machines. The specs list the decibels from the above Preditor at 61 dB versus my open frame genny rated at 63 dB. Even though they're just 2 dB's apart, is the fact that mine is open frame going to make it significantly noisier that the one built into a plastic box?
Actually, Decibel measurements are linear. That is, a slight increase in noise level equals a pronounced increase in heard noise.
Then there is how far the measurement is taken from the source and the noise output of a certain unit.
From what I've read, there is no 'set in stone' measurement criteria.
Myself, for years I owned and used a Yamaha 2800 I which is an open frame inverter genny and I thought it was pretty quiet, especially in economy mode. I'd still have it but at 10 years old, it was time to sell it and get another, which I did. I didn't need the 2800 watts so I got the 2000 Champion which happens to be totally enclosed in a plastic case. The plastic case may not provide a lot of noise dampening but it does break up the sound waves that an open frame unit cannot do.
Yamaha's hold their value. I sold mine used and 10 years old for just a littler less than I paid for it new and bought the Champ and put some greenbacks in my pocket.
At my age (67), if the Champ goes 10 years, I won't be needing another one.