Forum Discussion

Boatycall's avatar
Aug 19, 2019

Anyone running this particular WD hitch on a SuperTruss?

I'm looking for input from you guys and not the towing or TT pages because we're the only ones running Torklift extensions - I'd like to hear from you if you have an extension and are running this hitch. Mine is 48 inch.

In a nutshell... I've had it with my conventional WD hitch and the bars popping off on sharp turns. While it of course did the job...just hated it. Ran across a deal on a very lightly used one of these and got it, haven't mounted or set it up yet. The picture doesn't do it justice tho, it's pretty darn stout in person.

Anderson WD Hitch
  • I am going to a welding shopped having the tongue on the trailer strengthened,, and made longer the welds are stronger than the steel I have a V nose trailer and it has the shortest tongue that attaches to the ball about 3 feet. can't wait I can then bring my motorcycle along. I live close to Rome Georgia and Center Alabama if you know someone that doe3s good work and is honest please let me know
  • Kayteg1 wrote:
    Without google you'd never learn about the issue.
    Just saying…

    Google is one brand, there are many other options. They are called "search engines" and many companies provide such services that do exactly the same thing without bias, and also, there are more email providers than just AOL, there are literally 100's

    Funny guy
  • Without google you'd never learn about the issue.
    Just saying...
  • ajriding wrote:
    google is china's friend, not Americans.

    The guy in your waywardgoogle link COMPLETELY installed his hitch wrong. I know nothing about it hardly, yet can see how wrong it is. User error!

    He as the spring/tube thing pointed up and the chains are pointing down. How he thought this was oK to go driving off with is beyond me.

    I think all of his problems stem from not being able to set it up correctly, and also google let you down

    Hi Ajriding, well said.
    i'm agree with you as on experience.
  • google is china's friend, not Americans.

    The guy in your waywardgoogle link COMPLETELY installed his hitch wrong. I know nothing about it hardly, yet can see how wrong it is. User error!

    He as the spring/tube thing pointed up and the chains are pointing down. How he thought this was oK to go driving off with is beyond me.

    I think all of his problems stem from not being able to set it up correctly, and also google let you down
  • google is your friend
    The "mechanic in me" sees lot of good innovations in this setup as "bars" turning with tongue, so no additional stress and no additional wear, but as linked replies show- finding right size adjustment can be a task.
  • If they are L-shaped bars that go into underside round sockets on the hitch head, your holes are wallowed out. My first one lasted about eight years and did not have a grease fitting. My current one does have fittings, but I only have about six years on this one and don’t know if it wear better.

    I have no experience with that style and have only used trunnion or L-bar WDH systems.
  • I do not have one, but really want one for your reasons and also that it does not hang so low down.

    Post a report of how it works.

    I would not think your hitch extension would know the difference, what is the concern?

    I am worried about how much movement those short springs will allow when the truck goes through a deep dip, the more the truck points up, the more tension on the red bumper springs, how much movement is there in the spring?
    I end up off road a lot.

    And, how do you tension it up? Looks like you have to tighten a nut at the red bumper?