Yes Cory W. - ours is almost done...
Our Douglass body on 84" F550 with EC1165 will be "completed" in a couple weeks. After looking at a number of online tank suppliers, I selected a 95 gal Ronco Tank supplied by these nice folks
RV66W. Tank is 67"L x 16"W x 22"H. I selected the supplier based on their custom SpinWeld fittings options, their CA location near Douglass to minimize shipping cost, their helpful attitude, and their pricing.
Designed the center compartment to hold this particular tank flat against the bedside wall, leaving enough width to hold a 8'aluminum extension ladder in-between the tank and the cab-side wall - Douglass and I modified their normal vertical wall bracing and upper shelf support bracket to accommodate my plan. I elected to make the upper shelve solid vs adjustable. I also specified a heavier lower floor (10 ga vs 12 ga) with 1/4" rubber mat to support the tank and transfer pump.
I plan to use this potable water (qualified) pump to transfer from the aux tank to the main TC tank
pump. A bit pricier than the typical hardware store transfer pumps, but worth it IMO to get a high volume (non-diaphragm) pump made of potable-compliant materials and sealed for potential moist environ.
Will be picking up the rig on 2/22 and installing the pump, valves, hoses, etc. soon after. Perhaps I'll be able to figure out how to post some photos by then...Until then, feel free to ask more questions here or privately.