Forum Discussion

pucknutt16's avatar
Nov 13, 2016

Attaching coroplast

Have noticed a few screws broken off from my coroplast underbelly on Springdale trailer. This creates some sagging spots that I think the mice are particularily adept at finding.
Seeking advice on what size self tapping screws to use to re-attach and how closely they can be placed to each other before causing issues with the frame.....which is where the coroplast is attached to. Should I also use a sealant or glue to help hold to frame??
Appreciate any thoughts.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    For self tappers I've used #10 or #12 screws with a fender washer. 1/2 inch or less is all you really need. They only need to be long enough to get through the frame. A second person is really useful with getting the sags out. One person holds up sections while another screws.

    The only sealant I use is Great Stuff foam on the edges and penetrations. I squirt a line of foam about an inch from edge of the underbelly then put all of the screws in place. Makes a nice seal. Works much easier if you have all your screws pre drilled in their locations beforehand.
  • X2 on the overtighting. That is the cause for a lot of the screws braking off. They are self taping screws and the workers use air guns to run them into the frame. When they hit bottom there is a lot of force on them when the worker don't let off soon enough. Thus a broken screw.
    Close to half of all the screws on my TT was broken.