Very simple to do and is as straight forward as it looks with one minor exception. The top pinch marks were a pain to ply out. Wish I had taken a picture when doing that one step.
This is the best I can remember, but have all the parts laid out on my bench. I can take a picture if needed. Had planned on doing it, but got involved in other projeccts.
Did notice that the main bearing is a custom Atwood piece. Quick look did not reveal any non-Atwood numbers and it did not seem like it would be easy to substitue. Since Atwood considers the jacks non-user repairable, not sure if they will sell the bearing to individuals.
The small parts you will end up with.
1) Crank jack to full extension. This will make seperating the inner and outer tube much easier later in dissassembly.
2) Remove cover
3) Remove roll pin from cross shaft that is located in cross shaft gear
4) Using a small nail, re-secure the gear to cross shaft. Rotate gears to make roll pin in lower gear accessible. It may be necessary to remove cross pin, reset upper gear and re-install.
5) Remove upper gear and cross shaft
6) Remove lower gear
7) remove lower roll pin, washer, split washer, and nylon bushing.
8) Seperate inner tube from outer tube.
This should be sufficient to service all components.
However, some may wish to remove the screw rod from the inner tube.
9) drive small chiesel between crimp and collar
10) holding the inner tube, use the screw rod and pull towards the chiesel and crimp. This should easily pry the crimp outwards.
11) remove small chiesel and replace with large chiesel repeat step 10.
12) repeat step 9 thru 11 on the crimp on opposite side.
13) once the crimps are removed as much as possible, use a hammer against the washer at the top of the screw rod to knock it out of the inner tube.