Forum Discussion

gazelleTT's avatar
Jan 18, 2015

Awning help on 2008 Palomino Gazelle G210

Hello, I have a 2008 Palomino Gazelle G210 with 15' awning.
I replaced the Awning fabric yesterday following a youtube video for guidance but have a few questions.

Question 1: I have an A&E awning, but no idea what model, the sticker is unreadable.
How do I tell? It is stock to the trailer, manual operated.

Now question 2: When I replaced the fabric, I unrolled the tension on the right hand side counting my turns as I undid it. It was 7. I removed right hand end cap and removed spring on right side. The spring on left side had no tension whatsoever. I never had to do anything to left side. Is that normal?

Installed new fabric and wound up spring 7 turns, installed awning to trailer and realized I had wound the spring the wrong way.....(duh..) So while still attached to trailer, I released the awning, letting it unroll slowly until it stopped. I Removed right hand of roller from support arm. Placed lever position in roll down position and using vicegrips on bracket, wound it CCW 7 turns. Put it back together and everything worked correctly except it didn't go back in all the way to trailer. About 2-3 feet short. SO I removed roller again from right arm and gave it about 4 more CCW turns until it rolled up tight to trailer.

My question here is, how tight should it pull up to trailer?

Any advice on all 3 questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • btw, i got this working. I think i have one arm tighter than the other so it wants to slightly pull more to one side when rolling up but not enough for me to worry about.
  • ok thanks, which direction do i turn left side?

    right side was CCW to wind up so I assume left side is CW looking at it head on?
  • Please post up the link to the Youtube video for the awning replacement.
    It is best to contact the manufacturer of your awning for instructions, in your case, it is Dometic.

    I have the same G210 version in a 2012... w a Dometic electric, and it is not a sunchaser.

    Dometic instructions required 8 turns on the rear most arm of the awning, the motor was on the front arm.

    Chris Bryant wrote:
    Here you go, that should give an idea. It is best to tension rolled up, with the arm zip tied against a block- just a little extended. It's 8 turns rolled up. You can tension, then put a cotter pin in to hold it.
  • AirForceAngler wrote:
    Question 1: There is really no way to tell unless someone comes on here with the identical year/make/model of trailer and then that's not guaranteed.

    Question 2: Can you look inside and see if there was a spring on the left side? If there is and there was no tension, it sounds like something is broken there.

    Question 3: How did you get the awning back up against the trailer with the spring rolled backwards? I'm guessing the reason it didn't go up tight to the trailer after rolling spring the correct way is a) if one spring is broke it won't work quite right or b) by rolling the spring the wrong way at first, you may have taken some of the springiness out of it.

    good luck

    ok thanks on #1, i found a label
    still not sure how that translates to exacly what awning i have as i google it and its not very clear

    #2 - yes there was a spring in left side but never felt any tension from it whatsoever

    #3 - We had manually wrapped fabric around roller leaving only a foot out to install it onto the trailer. After it was installed is when we figured out it was the wrong way. So I hit the release lever letting it unspool the wrong way as the fabric unrolled. Once it was fully unspooled, (fabric attached to trailer, all of it unspooled and hanging and the end connected to the roller) i removed roller from arm and wound it the right way. It operated correctly but did not go up all the way, so I took it off arm again and wound it up some more.

    The awning seems to function fine now although the tension does not feel as strong as i think it should but operationally it seems fine. It extends out all the way, and rolls up all the way. The left spring concerns me but I am not sure how to fix it or if it needs to be fixed.. I would hate to extend it one day and right spring breaks and does not roll up.
  • Question 1: There is really no way to tell unless someone comes on here with the identical year/make/model of trailer and then that's not guaranteed.

    Question 2: Can you look inside and see if there was a spring on the left side? If there is and there was no tension, it sounds like something is broken there.

    Question 3: How did you get the awning back up against the trailer with the spring rolled backwards? I'm guessing the reason it didn't go up tight to the trailer after rolling spring the correct way is a) if one spring is broke it won't work quite right or b) by rolling the spring the wrong way at first, you may have taken some of the springiness out of it.

    good luck