Feb-05-2015 03:22 PM
Feb-05-2015 09:41 PM
Feb-05-2015 08:56 PM
Feb-05-2015 05:43 PM
Feb-05-2015 05:06 PM
Feb-05-2015 04:32 PM
Feb-05-2015 04:27 PM
Feb-05-2015 04:00 PM
Feb-05-2015 03:57 PM
So I am going to the RV show this weekend to try to find me a upgraded trailer. Is the hype about the spread axles true? Do you get better track and pull with them farther apart. My shamrock now they are only 2 1/2in apart. Just curious if it should be a deciding factor? Thanks Michael
Feb-05-2015 03:54 PM
Feb-05-2015 03:26 PM