Forum Discussion

msue's avatar
Oct 21, 2013

battery life/propane tanks

When I took the 23B in for some repairs recently, the repairman said keeping the battery charged all the time on a maintenance level actually shortens the battery life. I was keeping mine charged all the time. Also, he said to open the propane tanks wide open when using them. I could was opening them just one or two turns. I think that is what the instruction booklet said for the propane. Anyway, I have usually taken the advice given on this forum. what do you guys recommend?
  • There is no need to keep the battery on constant charge. Having killed a dozen batteries over the years (mainly on boats) when charger malfunctions boiled them dry. I just full charge and switch the battery(ies) off. Turn 'em back on when needed. Mine will go thru the winter and come out at 70% charged; no need to bring them inside and risk acid spills. But it gets quite cold here and self discharge slows as it gets colder.

    My understanding of LP cylinder valves is the same as Old Bisquit's: There is a backseal that is engaged when the valve is fully open. I open my valves the first time out during the season and shut them off just before removing the tanks in preparation for winter indoor storage.

    -- Chuck
  • It is a Diehard battery charger and maintainer. Yes, you are correct that I need to check on water level.
  • Depends on the converter but most are fine except possibly as temps go over 100 for weeks at a time. You do need to keep an eye on the water level.

    One or two turn is plenty on the propane as far as I am concerned. Much easier to turn off in an emergency. Maybe wide open if you have a propane generator or other high use item.
  • if you have a modern 3-stage converter, it's no problem keeping the trailer hooked up. he's probably thinking of the older single stage days.
    but i chose to install a battery disconnect switch for my two batteries. then i don't have to keep it plugged in.
    last time i stored my Roo for 4 months, the batteries were still nearly completely charged after all that time and not being hooked up to electric.
  • ALL valves should be fully opened.......unless they are throttling/control/needle valves.
    Propane valves are not used for control so open them fully.

    Propane valves are designed with a backseat to prevent leaks around stem.
    Also not fully opening them will limit flow and if a leak should occur the excess flow valve may not sense the leak and not shut off as designed.
    Open them fully and lightly backseat.
  • I open propane valve all the way and then back off just a touch be it on the coach, the barbeque or the patio heater. I can remember the old adage to not open them all the way to prevent freezing open. Is it true or is it an old wives tale who knows but that is what I do
  • msue wrote:
    When I took the 23B in for some repairs recently, the repairman said keeping the battery charged all the time on a maintenance level actually shortens the battery life. I was keeping mine charged all the time. Also, he said to open the propane tanks wide open when using them. I could was opening them just one or two turns. I think that is what the instruction booklet said for the propane. Anyway, I have usually taken the advice given on this forum. what do you guys recommend?
    The implication is a cheap charger that doesn't properly maintain the batteries. Replace the charger or get a $25 2 state maintainer charger and don't use the built in charger.

    Maintained at the correct float charge the batteries will last the longest.
  • There is a chance with valves on propane tanks to leak if not open all the way.
    It may not happen on all valves, but it does on a lot of them.

    They are designed to operate all the way open.
  • msue wrote:
    repairman said keeping the battery charged all the time on a maintenance level actually shortens the battery life.
    Maybe he was thinking of your particular converter when he said 'maintenance level'. Many cheaper converters will overcharge batteries if left on for long periods of time.

    I have never seen the need to open propane valves all the way.
  • I have not noticed any battery life issues with leaving it charging all the time. Got almost eight years out of my last t104 -Trojans. I have always opened lp bottles completely do no comparison on that one. Should explain that batteries were stolen or life would have been even longer.