This is a typical 30A Power Distribtion Block Diagram...
As you can see the HUB is the 120VAC and 12VDC Power Distribution Center where the 120VAC Circuit Breakers and 12VDC FUSES are located.
The RV UNIT is desgned to work from both 120VAC and 12VDC.
The 120VAC Shore Power or Generator will run all systems on the RV Unit.
NOTE: The 12VDC Lights which include the ceiling lights all operate from 12VDC. This is powered by the 12V battery or the 120VAC Converter/Charger unit which develops 12VDC...
When on just your battery only the BASICS is powered up that run only from 12VDC. This eliminates all of the 120VAC Appliances. The only way to run a few of these 120VAC Appliances is to have an POWER INVERTER which is optional and is run from your battery bank. The Power Inverter will draw alot of DC Current from your battery bank so alot of pre-planning is required to have a Battery Bank large enough to run the BASICS systems and the Power Inverter.
You need to identify all of the different 120VAC items and the 12VDC items in your RV unit. The above block diagram lists most of the those different items for you...
Hope this helps with your understanding of how the typical RV unit works...
In my Off-Road POPUP trailer I have mostly 12VDC Fans associated with the Propane Furnace Fan and the Fantastic 12VDC Ceiling fan. These are powered by my 12V battery Bank. My roof mounted Air Conditioner Fan is a 120VAC Fan which is only powered by Shore Power or Generator. I also have a couple of portable AC/DC/D-cell fans to use when camping.
Roy Ken