Travel Trailer Group
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We've got a puzzle - 1986 Bronco II --- UPDATE

This is not about our RV tow vehicle, but it actually does tow a utility trailer once in a while....We've got a 1986 Bronco II that is missing badly and we don't know what is wrong. If anyone has any ideas, we're all ears.It has a 2.9 liter engine wi...

pasusan by Explorer
  • 19 replies

2006 Palamino for sale

At a neighbors house, parked under trees for 6 years, and exterior dirty....real dirty (Black) bunk end has been open on and off for days....the other bunk end closed, but material sticking out and water leaked in.....quick look, no visible d...

controlling my sway control

I've been using my sway control for a while now but not sure I'm doing it right. I crank it down fairly tight and can hear it squeaking when making my turns. I will soon have another one installed on the other side of the A-Frame when I switch to a l...

blacktop by Explorer
  • 16 replies

cargo weight distribution

TT newb, go easy on me So I know the TT cargo weight should be distributed roughly 60/40, 60% of weight in front of the axle, 40% behind, for safer towing and balance. Is it safe to assume the TT dry weight is distributed this way? Also, as long as...

Bug Splatter Clean Up

Are there any tricks for cleaning the bug splatter off the front of the TT & TV? Someone told me to spray them with a no stick cooking spray like Pam before heading out. Has anyone done this? Any other suggestion or ideas? I live in South FL and this...

Anmacc2 by Explorer
  • 18 replies

Dual Cam question for guys towing heavy.

I've just recently gone up to 1500lb spring bars and having some issues in tight turns such as in parking lots. It feels as if the bars are not sliding freely on the cams. Hard to explain but, once I turn to a certain point I hear a wicked bang, BU...

F150 ecoboost towing

Just got back from our first trip with new truck/trailer combo. I am impressed. The truck was very comfortable to drive, got good gas mileage, felt comfortable towing, had little sway, and had power to spare ascending 6% grades. Questions: I always h...

Travel Trailer Towing Safety Concerns

Let me start by saying I am not the tow weight police or the guy that goes to the CAT scales to set up my truck and trailer, I do know the towing capacity of my truck and what the proper setup should look like. I took my longest trip yet with my tt...

dee74 by Explorer
  • 25 replies

Great Service...

I didn't know where to post this so I picked the Tow Vehicles section. Last week on Thursday we were just pulling off I-94 in northern Illinois on our way to Illinois Beach SP when I heard a clunk and then grinding from the drivetrain of my 2011 Ram...

bluie5 by Explorer
  • 5 replies