MFL wrote:
It seems the OP found someone to do his bearing service at a good price.
To ken56 above, that is a bit overpriced, IMO! However, if you don't want to do it, and the person doing it has a great reputation for quality work, it is worth it to you.
I use going to the dentist, as a comparison, for paying too much for a service done. Just a filling can be $500, and a crown easily 1K+, for just an hours work! So, who isn't happy, after getting a tooth repaired?? I have never said "I wished I wouldn't have gotten that tooth fixed".
Hope no dentists on these forums, but just giving my tip for justification, for maybe spending too much! :)
Years back guy I knew from the bar was witching about how much it was going to cost to put timing chain in his small block Chevy. We agreed on price, I gathered up tools I would need, got on bicycle went to where he left car. Popped distributer cap of to rotate engine to TDC while timing mark was still visible. Saw the condenser mounting screw was missing. Dropped a dime "You want a new timing chain? Or do you want it to run?" Had it running within 30 minutes of getting to car, including trip to auto parts store. Put bike and tools in car for trip to where he was, charge 1/2 what we agreed to. He "What was wrong, for the quick fix?" Me "Who told you timing chain? The condenser was not grounded." He, "Acted just like last car that needed chain. YOU GOING TO CHARGE THAT MUCH JUST TO PUT SCREW IN?"
Your not paying for what I did, your paying for what I know"