is NOT about the engine itself, but with the Bosch CP design
and from what I've read...Ford pushed the 6.0L past what their supplier
was willing to warrant in power. Of course the onerous smog stuff that
will take a few more years to figure out 'well' enough
"Well enough" as in the current constant of 'delete' and 'bullet proof'
threads here and on most of the other automotive forums I visit
After going through about a years worth of discussion and education
along the way...discussing the CP4.x detail. Wonderful to
be able to dissect that on this forum
Confirms my decision to avoid diesel based on the, then, coming diesel smog
The cost of fuel is no longer as large a factor...could still make
the case on is higher for diesel....and any given day...cost
per gallon runs +/- to even per gallon
To me, boils down to CP4 and any derivative thereof. Pure bad design
on so wrong assumptions (using diesel as both the coolant and lube
for a pump producing +20,000 PSI...the decision to NOT capture the
piston/rod/cam together...etc)
Diesel is NOT for me...
Fully admit that per unit measure, diesel has more BTU's than gasoline. Therefore
higher potential work can be had with diesel over gasoline
I'm sticking with gasoline, but willing to readdress any type of locomotive power
for my truck(s)
Plus I don't diss anyone who wishes to go my freedom to choose
a gasser